1997 News

- Sony Music is running a commercial to sell Amandas CD. It includes clips from the Dark Horse,
Birmingham and Fall From Grace videos, and says that she has 7 hit singles.

- There is now an Amanda Marshall sheet music book available, as well as a Birmingham sheet music single, and Mila
Mason's version of Dark Horse sheet music single. Also, there is a music book available for the My Best Friends
Wedding soundtrack, which inludes the music for Amanda Marshalls I'll Be Okay.
Click here to go to Sheet-Music.com
to search for, and buy any of those items.

- The MuchMusic show "On Tour" will repeat the episode about Amanda that
included live performances of "Let It Rain", "Birmingham", and "Fall From
Grace" on Tuesday, December 16.

- Amanda is ONE of 11 nominees who MAY become finalists at the grammy awards! The other
nominees are: Leah Andreone, Fiona Apple, Abra Moore, Patti Smith, Meredith Brooks,
Ani DiFranco, Lauren Christy, Garrison Starr, Thornetta Davis, and Lauren Hoffman.
The committee will pare down the list to 5 finalists.
Click here to see the full article from the LA Times.

- Let It Rain has been included on the CD "All Woman".
This compilation CD is only available in the US.

- On June 19th, 1998 Amanda will be on MuchMusic's Intimate and Interactive (A show on which an artist does a performance, and answers questions from the audience, and from anyone who sends in questions by mail, e-mail, phone or fax).

-The new MuchMusic show "On Tour" did a program
about Amanada today. They played live performances of "Let It Rain", "Birmingham",
and "Fall From Grace". They will repeat that show (or show another one about Amanda)
on Tuesday, December 16

-The "Dark Horse" single is available for sale. The CD includes live versions
of "Let It Rain", and "Birmingham" plus "This Could Take All Night" from the "Tin Cup"
soundtrack. So far, I've seen it at the Virgin Megastore in New York City. It might not be available anywhere else. I have also seen (and bought!) the Birmingham\Let's Get Lost single, and the Australian version Of Fall From Grace, which includes Let's Get Lost and Last Exit To Eden, at the Vancouver Virgin Megastore

-In addition to Let It Rain, two other Amanda Marshall
songs were featured on the ABC Sunday night movie "Unwed Father" - Fall From Grace & Trust Me
(This Is Love). Let It Rain was also played throughout the comercial for this made-for-television film.

-Let It Rain is heavily featured on the ABC Sunday night movie "Unwed Father". It is also played throughout the comercial for this made-for-television film.

-Trust Me (This Is Love) was played on the second episode (for this season) of Party Of Five.

-Wake up with Amanda Marshall on CBS "This Morning" on Thursday, October 2, 1997 at 8:45 a.m.
Eastern. Amanda will perform "Let it Rain."Check local listings for the channel in your area.

-Amanda has completed her final tour for this album,and is starting to work on her next album which will probably be released in the middle of next year!

-As of this very week, Amanda Marshall's debut album has been in the Top 100 album chart in Canada for 100 consecutive weeks dating back to its release in October, 1995.

-Amanda talked about her favourite book on a recent edition of 'Word For Word' on MuchMusic.

-Trust Me (This Is Love) has been released as a single, and is being played regularly on Canadian Radio Stations.

-Unfortunately, Amanda lost the award for Best Canadian Artist at the MuchMusic video awards. She really
deserved to win it!

-Amanda has almost sold 3 MILLION albums! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!

-Sitting On Top of The World is being played C O N S T A N T L Y on Montreal radio stations. It is probably he
most played song this month!

-Amanda has been nominated for a MuchMusic Video Award, for best Canadian artist!

- Amanda has sold more than 1 Million albums! Way to go!

-Amanda has released Sitting On Top Of The World as a single, and it is doing well on many charts in Canada

-Dark Horse has been re-released in the USA

- Amanda has a new song on the soundtrack of the
movie "My Best Friends Wedding". It is called
"I'll be Okay".

- Amanda is currently opening for John Mellencamp,
she also sings "Pink Houses" with him.

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